14.02.2024 | Ad Hoc News
Preliminary figures for the 2023 financial year
Frankfurt/Main, February 14, 2024: In 2023, the Amadeus Fire Group generated consolidated sales of € 442.4 million and operating EBITA of € 70.4 million. Both sales and operating EBITA reached new all-time highs, increasing by 8.7 per cent and 3.5 per cent respectively compared to the previous year. The operating EBITA margin amounted to 15.9 per cent.
In the Training segment, the operating segment result almost doubled with an increase of 92 per cent and a new record result was achieved, despite a value adjustment on an IT project. The company’s own expectations for 2023 were thus exceeded and the weak previous year was clearly overcome. GFN also made a significant positive contribution to earnings for the first time since the acquisition in 2020.
In the Personnel Services segment, the personnel expansion and growth plans were realised as planned. However, the productivity of the rapidly growing organisation as a whole was impaired for longer than expected. In addition, the entire year, and the fourth quarter in particular, was characterised by an extraordinarily high sickness rate. This led to disrupted order processes at the end of the year. This resulted in an unforeseen negative impact on sales and earnings in the last three months of the year. Overall, the segment’s operating result in 2023 was 13 per cent below the previous year’s record result and also below our own expectations.
As a result of the effects of extraordinary depreciation and the sickness rate, the Amadeus Fire Group’s forecast full-year target of increasing operating EBITA by 7 to 9 per cent was missed slightly with growth of 3.5 per cent.
The final figures for the 2023 financial year, including a growth forecast for 2024 and a dividend proposal, will be announced at the annual press conference / analyst event on 19 March 2024.
Questions? Feel free to contact us!

Jan Hendrik Wessling
Investor Relations

Franziska Marschall
Investor Relations & Sustainability