Amadeus FiRe Group Logo Header

Key sustainability factors

Grünes Feld

What sustainability means to us

As a service company, people are at the heart of what we do. The wellbeing of our candidates, our training participants and of course our employees is particularly important to us.

We have been present on the market for over 35 years in the personnel services segment and for over 70 years in the training segment. This consistency is based on a good and resilient relationship with our various stakeholders. In order to take the opinions of these stakeholders into account for our sustainability reporting, we have conducted an extensive dialog with our stakeholders as part of a materiality analysis. This involved examining both the impact of the Amadeus Fire Group’s business activities on its environment and the influence of external opportunities and risks on our own business activities. In addition to internal stakeholders such as employees, lecturers and interim managers, external stakeholders of the Amadeus Fire Group were also taken into account. This group includes, for example, shareholders, trade union representatives and specialists.

In the course of this stakeholder dialog, many social issues in particular were identified as being of especially high importance. The same applies to the area of governance, and less so to the area of the environment. Protecting the environment is important for the Amadeus Fire Group. As a company with no production and no connection to activities with a strong environmental impact, the other two topics dominate in the eyes of the stakeholders.

The involvement of these most important interest groups for us has confirmed that people should continue to be at the center of our daily activities in all our services.