AMADEUS FIRE AG: Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
Mr Florian Schuhbauer (Germany) including his subsidiaries Active Ownership Advisors GmbH, Active Ownership Group Ltd., Active Ownership Capital S.à r.l., Active Ownership Corporation S.à r.l. and Active Ownership Fund SICAV SIF SCS (Luxemburg) and Mr Klaus Röhrig (Austria) including his subsidiaries Active Ownership Management Ltd., Active Ownership LP, Active Ownership Investments Ltd., Active Ownership Group Ltd., Active Ownership Capital S.à r.l., Active Ownership Corporation S.à r.l. and Active Ownership Fund SICAV SIF SCS (Luxemburg) subsequently together referred to as the ‘disclosing parties’ informed us on November 12, 2024 pursuant to Art. 43(1) WpHG thereby making reference to the exceedance of the threshold of 10% or a higher threshold from November 08, 2024, as follows:
- The investment is used to realise trading profits and the implementation of strategic goals.
- The reporting person does intend to obtain further voting rights by acquisition or any other way.
- The reporting person does intend to influence the composition of the issuers’ administration, management or supervisory board.
- The reporting person does not intend to change the capital structure of the company, especially with regards to the ratio of internal/outside financing and the dividend policy.
- Concerning the source of funds, the capital is financed by 100% through equity capital with which the reporting person needs to finance the acquisition of the voting rights.