16.12.2024 | Press Release
The Amadeus Fire Group donates to charity organisations again in 2024

Frankfurt/Main / Berlin / Bonn / Wiesbaden, 16th December 2024 – The Amadeus Fire
Group, together with the subsidiaries GFN, Comcave and Dr. Endriss Tax-College,
remains committed to long-term social responsibility. The Group donates in the
context of its annual Christmas donation, 16,000 euros to three selected
organisations: ‘Stiftung Bärenherz’, ‘Deutsche Krebshilfe’ and ‘Ärzte ohne Grenzen’.
“It is important to us to make a sustainable contribution and support people in
difficult life situations,” stated Robert von Wülfing, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
the Amadeus Fire Group, welcoming the new donation campaign, in which the
Group’s employees have decided which organisations receive support. “Our
donation this year intends to strengthen organisations that make an indispensable
contribution in the areas of health and humanitarian aid.”
The amount donated is split between the following three organisations:
The Stiftung Bärenherz supports severely ill children and their families in children’s
hospices and offers them extensive care and support in difficult times.
The Deutsche Krebshilfe has been committed to cancer research and supporting
those affected for many years and makes a significant contribution to improving
the chances of treatment and recovery.
Ärzte ohne Grenzen provides humanitarian aid worldwide in crisis regions,
especially in war and emergency zones, and provides medical care where it is most
urgently needed.
The Amadeus Fire Group’s annual donation campaign underlines a long-term
commitment to social responsibility that goes beyond corporate success and
specifically supports projects that have a positive impact on the lives of a large
number of people.
The Amadeus Fire Group has over 35 years of experience in the area of specialised
personnel services for commercial and IT positions as well as for corresponding
training programmes and has an excellent network in the local employment and
training market throughout Germany. The Amadeus Fire Group accompanies and
supports companies, employees and candidates with services through the
targeted placement of skills.
Further information on the donation recipients and the opportunity to make a
contribution yourself can be found on the following websites:
• Link to the ‘’Stiftung Bärenherz‘’ website
• Link to the ‘’Deutsche Krebshilfe‘’ website
• Link to the ‘’Ärzte ohne Grenzen“ website